Real-Time Prior Authorization Guidance And Decision At The Point Of Care.
The Prior Authorization (PA) Module is an end-to-end PA solution for providers and payers. Our tool streamlines PA submissions and decision processes, saving valuable time for users.
Our Prior Authorization module enables providers to validate a PA request against payer guidelines, automatically submit it, and then to receive instant decisions from the payer. Similarly, it enables payers to automate PA decisions and serves as a decision support engine to help streamline complex utilization management processes.
The solution can integrates seamlessly with a provider’s EMR and a payer’s utilization management system by leveraging the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources standards (FHIR), or it can be accessed via a web-based application. Call us today to talk about integrations!
Faster Care For Members And Reduced Administrative Burden
If your system has FHIR capabilities, this module is for you!
522320- Financial
Transactions Processing,
Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities
518210- Data Processing,
Hosting, and Related Services
524298- All other
Insurance related Activities
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